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The CJEU’s First Ruling On The Classification Of Software As A Medical Device: A Predictable Scenario With A Possible Cliff-hanger?

Eveline Van Keymeulen, Jacqueline Bore


Case C-329/16, Judgment of the Court (Fourth Chamber), Syndicat nationale de l’industrie des technologies médicale (Snitem), Philips France v Premier ministre, Ministre des Affaires sociales et de la Santé [2017] ECLI:EU:C:2017:947

Eveline Van Keymeulen is a Counsel in the Life Sciences team at Allen & Overy LLP. She is highly specialised in EU, Belgian and French life sciences regulatory law and advises companies in the pharmaceutical and medical devices sector. Jacqueline Bore is a Professional Support Lawyer in the Life Sciences team at Allen & Overy LLP. She has many years’ experience in advising companies in the life sciences sector on the challenges they face in developing and bringing new medicines and medical devices to the market. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the firm or any third party. For correspondence: <> <>


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