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AI, Big Data and The Protection of Personal Data in Medical Practice

Emmanuel Salami

DOI https://doi.org/10.21552/eplr/2019/4/7

Medicine as an area of endeavor is very important to humanity because of its significance to the healthy preservation of human life. Overtime, various devices with varying levels of sophistication, (dependent largely on the era), have been developed with the aim of providing support to medical professionals in the delivery of medical services. As of today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has also lent its support to the development of medical devices by not only making such devices smarter, but in some cases being the device itself. As will be discussed in later parts of this article, so sophisticated is AI that it could even assist in the performance of medical surgeries. Two important components of AI’s role in medical practice are natural language processing and computer vision which are play key roles in patient assessment and diagnosis.

Emmanuel Salami, Doctoral Candidate in Information Technology/Data Protection Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Lapland, Finland. For correspondence: <mailto:Esalami@ulapland.fi> The author would like to thank Professor Rosa Maria Ballardini and Professor Rob van den Hoven van Genderen for their useful comments and review of this article.


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